WillPower Resources, LLC Logo


WillPower may be the Resource you need...

If your industry is Real Estate or if your business includes a portfolio of Real Estate assets, large or small;

If your organization is undergoing a Reorganization, a Restructuring, or a Realignment; or

If your Real Estate assets are in need of Redevelopment, Repositioning, or just a Retooling to improve profitability and operational efficiency.


Our Team

Our team of consultants and strategic alliance partners have education and experience in the areas of: law, finance, accounting, and management - - all focused on commercial real estate, finance, and construction.

Throughout our careers, we have served in varied roles from Chief Operating Officer, Outside General Counsel, Director of Finance, Chief Compliance Officer, Director of Asset Management, Financial Analyst, and Real Estate Specialist, and we can provide consulting services in any or all of those areas to your organization.

Our credentials and education include being certified public accountants, licensed real estate brokers (state-specific), and practicing lawyers (state-specific), and we hold degrees ranging broadly from city and regional planning, to accounting, finance, economics, and business administration.


Our Services

  • Underwriting and modeling of existing and projected revenue of multi-tenanted assets;
  • Asset valuation and return projections, including assessments of broker opinions of value;
  • Preparation and assessment of operating, capital improvement, and construction budgets;
  • Preparation of offering memoranda and assistance with marketing and asset disposition;
  • Large scale and comprehensive due diligence for asset acquisition and/or redevelopment;
  • Review and assessment of existing contracts and leases to identify areas of improvement;
  • Development of improved risk management policies and liability allocation protocols; and
  • Interim appointed outside officer services, such as Chief Restructuring Officer services.


Contact Us

Please contact us at general@willpowerresources.com to inquire and learn more and we will be in touch.